Michael Yardney writes an article for Property Update wherein he says that not conceding one’s mistake is inherent to human nature. However, when it comes to real estate, they can avoid a lot of pain and monetary damage if only they acknowledge their mistake the moment they commit them.
All Commentaries
These are all commentaries on articles and videos on the web that are interesting, relevant or simply entertaining to people interested in Sydney Real Estate.
Survey Offers Insight Into Tenant Wishlist
Phil McCarroll writes a piece for the website Your Investment Property where he talks about the wishlist of prospective tenants. He believes that there is a definite departure from the past in terms of what tenants are looking for in a house.
Sydney Homeowners Sitting on “Golden Lands”
Nick Bendel writes an article for the Adviser where he says that the value of land has spiked phenomenally all across Sydney. The Harbour City has witnessed an increase of 19.6% in land value, taking the overall value to $1.34 trillion by the end of financial year 2014-15. That means the average Sydney homeowners are practically sitting on “golden lands”, so to speak.
Rental Growth Falls in 2015
An article on Your Investment Property says that 2015 was a year marked by falling rental growth. In Australia, the residential rents have spiked by only 0.3% over the course of 2015 and this is the slowest the rental rate has moved in a long time.
Correction Only Escape For Housing Market
Huntley Mitchell and Nick Bendel assert in an article for The Adviser that Sydney may be the only capital city to witness experience undersupply in 2016. The Harbour City is currently facing frenzied apartment construction activity, and yet over the course of the next three years, it may not be supplied with enough properties.
Sydney Vacancy Rate: A Notable Discrepancy
Phil McCarroll writes an article for the website Your Investment Property where he talks about a disagreement in the rental vacancy rate for Sydney which has spawned a debate regarding just how many homes are free for tenancy.