I am quite happy with the recent surge in first home buyer (FHB) involvement in the Australian property market. They have laid low for a long time now but in the last three months or so, there has been a 50% increase in their flock. Petra Sprekos for the Real Estate View observes the trend.
All Commentaries
These are all commentaries on articles and videos on the web that are interesting, relevant or simply entertaining to people interested in Sydney Real Estate.
What’s Happening to Sydney Home Prices?
Pete Wargent finds RP Data’s Daily Home Value Index ‘entertaining as always” and he believes that the capital cities are showing really promising signs, just the information that RP Data yields. In an article for the Street News, he talks about the Sydney property market in high regard.
House And Unit Sales Put Up Inspiring Numbers
Interest rates are low and I don’t need to tell you this. Triggered by such low rates, both house and unit sales have registered heartening numbers for the financial year 2012/13. Cameron Kusher for the Property Update reports about RP Data’s statistical estimates.
8 Steps Towards Successful Renovation
Rise In Population May Outsmart Sydney’s Housing Predictions
In an article I read on The Advisor, I found that in 20 years to come Sydney may need 100,000 more homes than previously predicted. This vindicates my conviction that 50,000 (stipulated some time ago) was a really conservative figure.
Population Growth To Arrest The ‘McMansion’ Syndrome
Mid-sized, medium to high density dwellings are likely to be ideal investments today. Investing in Mcmansions may not be a sound idea anymore, says George Raptis in an article for the Property Update.