Aidan Devine for the website Your Investment Property talks about Sydney’s growing prominence in the global residential property market. Having quietly fancied Sydney’s chances since last decade, I feel vindicated by Sydney’s strong show. Investors in Hong Kong, China, Russia, among others are picking the harbour city ever so frequently to park their money.
All Commentaries
These are all commentaries on articles and videos on the web that are interesting, relevant or simply entertaining to people interested in Sydney Real Estate.
The Deadly Trio Of Fee, CGT, and Stamp Duty
Going by an article on the website Smart Property Investment, fee and taxes are prime concerns of home buyers. According to the article, a highly esteemed loan comparison website,, evaluated 7,000 questions on home loans (those which were posted in its forums). The website inferred that maximum concerns were related to fee. Fee included set-up fee as well as loan pre-closure fee.
Capital City Rental Yields Pay The Price Of Value Growth
If the value of your home shoots up from $500,000 to $550,000 and the rent you ask for it remains the same, what gets eroded in the process is called rental yield. You know the grind. Cameron Kusher for the property Update suggests that gross rental yields in capital cities are expected to fall further in near future with home value growth decidedly outperforming rental growth.
Sydney Robustly Placed In This New Property Cycle
Michael Yardney, while writing an article for the Property Update, talks about a few things we have already heard but the perspective is fresh and the article quite engaging nonetheless. According to him, we have just hit the expansionary stage of the property cycle and this will cause a ripple effect. To explain, property prices will grow in the inner suburbs and slowly but steadily capital growth will move outwards, ending in the growth of the outer suburbs.
All You Want To Know About The Sydney Property Market
Sydney Posts 4.3% Housing Value Growth
If I were to use the racing jargon, I would say that Sydney is simply cantering away from its rivals. Recording a 4.3% growth in median house prices for the September quarter, the harbour city has well and truly raised its tether and also raised the bar for its peers. Toby Johnstone in an article for The Sydney Morning Herald observes the trend.