Australian property investment scenario is on an upswing, driving investment punters upbeat. According to the latest survey by Comm Bank, the country’s Real Estate picture looks green, reports an article on the website This has been largely possible through the fortunate merging of several positive factors.
All Commentaries
These are all commentaries on articles and videos on the web that are interesting, relevant or simply entertaining to people interested in Sydney Real Estate.
Fixed Rate Loans May Still Be an Enticing Option
While writing a piece for the website, Venessa Paech talks about borrowers’ growing penchant for variable rate loans. They are quite willing to shun off the lure of fixed rate loans believing that the ‘variable rate’ stuff will offer them greater benefits in the long run.
How Well Placed Is the Housing Sector?
In the view of Peter Kouilzos, 2014 is beautifully interspersed with buying opportunities. In an article for the website he asserts that the investors would love how 2014 shapes up and least because of a super growth in prices. It is just that so many factors are expected to combine well to make it a happy-hunting time for property investors.
Three Distinct Phases of a Property Cycle
While writing an article for the Property Update, Pete Wargent uses his inimitable style to shed light (in strictly layman’s terms) on the three or apparently four phases of the property cycle. He also debunks the myth of an impending burst of the property bubble.
Government Seeking Excuses for Lack of Infrastructure Growth
Chinese buyers bought $5 billion worth of property across Australia in 2013. This heats up speculation that rampant foreign investment has forced local investors out of the market. Even as the media keeps reiterating on this line, Vivienne Kelly resorts to data to guide us through. In an article for the website Smart Property Investment, she suggests that the total worth of property sold in 2013 was $240 billion. What percentage is the Chinese investment then?
NSW Borrowing the Highest Sum For Homes
In a bid to realise their dream of home ownership, Australians are not shy of borrowing more. In an article for the website, Venessa Paech reports that the national average home loan size has increased by 6.4% over the last couple of years. On an average, people are borrowing $319,200 for fulfilling their ownership ambition.