Australian retirees have shown a greater penchant towards accumulation of wealth, compared to their global peers. Their advice to the young brigade is along the same lines, says Michael Yardney in an article for the website Property Update.
All Commentaries
These are all commentaries on articles and videos on the web that are interesting, relevant or simply entertaining to people interested in Sydney Real Estate.
Value Growth To Slow Down in Sydney
Sydney will continue to grow but nowhere as illustriously as it has been doing over the past year. An article on the website Smart Property Investment suggests that property growth is likely to slow down to 4% and stay there for the next 5 years.
Years of Undersupply Behind Sydney Property Boom
Pete Wargent feels that long years of undersupply has to be blamed for the booming prices in the Sydney housing market. In an article for the website Property Update, he delves into both the sides of the equation.
Capital City Auction Clearance Rates Slip, Sydney Unaffected
While the auction volumes across the capital cities have given no reason to complain so far, auction clearance rates are turning out less strong than expected. In a piece written for the website Property Update, Cameron Kusher talks about the dwindling performance.
Property Tycoons Head Global Billionaires’ Club
The media moguls and Marble kings will be heard of no doubt but this age is gallantly responding to its new poster boy- Property Tycoons. Real estate is where those with the right kind of money are getting the greatest bang for the buck. Nikki Taylor observes the trend in an article for the website Your Investment Property.
Is Asian Investment In Our Properties Irking Us?
There can be no better phrase to encapsulate the Asian interest in Australian properties than the one Pete Wargent uses in his article for the website Property Update- “it is a subject receiving reams of coverage of late”. Is it all deserving coverage? Yes it is. After all, the foreign investment push, in no uncertain terms, has attained a noticeable proportion and China is playing really big with its disposable income.