George Raptis writes an interesting article for the website Property Update wherein he asserts that property values double themselves in close to 9 years. This conclusion can be arrived at by assuming 8% average annual growth. Of course, all properties do not follow the average pattern and some areas can grow far above the average and some can languish at around the 2% mark, too, for decades.
All Commentaries
These are all commentaries on articles and videos on the web that are interesting, relevant or simply entertaining to people interested in Sydney Real Estate.
Sydney House Price Grows by Nearly 19%
The median house price in Sydney has registered a nearly 19 per cent increase, according to an article on The Adviser.
Young Buyers Using Unique Ways to Enter the Property Market
Phil McCarroll writes an article for the website Your Investment Property wherein he talks about the unconventional techniques that young buyers are using to hit the property market. The first technique they are employing is ‘rentvesting’.
Will Abolition of Negative Gearing Tackle Affordability?
Michael Yardney writes an elaborate piece on the subject of negative gearing and its impact on housing affordability in one of his posts on the website property Update. He starts by saying that the residential housing sector stood at $5.9 trillion at the end of May 2015. This is roughly four times the GDP and three times the Australian Superannuation kitty.
3 Ways in Which Mortgage Debt Can Be Paid Quicker
In an article for the website Property Update, Michael Yardney talks about the ups and downs associated with home ownership. While buying a home and fulfilling a long-cherished dream is no mean achievement, keeping pace with the mortgage repayments is a difficult business. The faster you build equity, the lesser interest you are required to pay on the debt over the whole tenure of the loan. This cannot be done unless you pay your debt at a sprightly pace, often much higher than the stipulated repayment amount.
Sydney Suburbs Most Expensive to Rent
In an article for the website Your Investment Property, Phil McCarroll writes that Sydney is the costliest city to rent a room in. Where the national average is $202.62, the average weekly rent in Sydney is $275.44- a clear 36% higher. These are not mean figures!