Hot agents Can Heat Up Property Prices
“But you see I am trying to look beyond you; it’s just that you are “clever as a devil and twice as pretty”. Are these the lines going through your mind when you meet a hot property agent looking to fix a deal with you? An interesting (and I am not using the term ‘interesting’ loosely) article on the website suggests that attractive looking agents sell houses faster and for higher prices.
Now, we know that their contract papers are not dipped in honey; it’s just the changing economics of the productive world – well-groomed, attractive people tend to have a higher appetite for work-field success.
A Columbus University study
A Columbus State University professor has conducted a study which infers that “there is a direct correlation between the looks of agents and the prices of properties they sell” (So even the men of ‘brains’ cannot keep away from the women of ‘beauty’ while choosing their research subjects)
Actually, the research asked more than 400 (eager) participants to rate a list of estate agents on their looks (looks alone). Moment of truth- those who were given a higher rating on the scale of 10 invariably turned out to be the ones who secured quicker and higher-priced deals.
And the balancing act
Hang on there! This world runs with an arithmetic accuracy and everything gets balanced in the final run. So it is nice to know that the seemingly less-attractive agents have more listings to their names. Voila! They sell more.
In fact, it’s quite ironic in a way that there is a dearth of women in the list of top 20 real estate agents in this country. So, experience is a well-sought out virtue then, rated above looks.
You can read the original article here.
Okay! Tell me what resembles your fantasy more closely- a child suffering from Marasmus or a holiday cottage in Naples? Herein lies your answer. We, the human species, seek feel-good factors in our lives and it is one reason why well-groomed, stylish and beautiful people make more business sense.
This does not mean that an agent has to be a “my eyes are the portkey to another world”-type to sell homes.
It is the whole package that counts
Personally I feel success is all about the whole package – the attitude, presentation, intimate market knowledge and extensive experience.
And yes, my gender insures me adequately against falling for female real estate agents, I mean even the Jesinta Campbells.