In a recent article for the Property Update, Pete Wargent talks about the boom in dwelling constructions in Sydney. I ditto his opinion that the construction frenzy is a certain cause for cheer for the RBA. After all, the plan to bring down cash rates was meant to pep up dwelling constructions in the first place. If you are a buyer, ready to play the waiting game, Wargent does not mind you buying into these new dwelling units but what does he propose for the investors?
All Commentaries
These are all commentaries on articles and videos on the web that are interesting, relevant or simply entertaining to people interested in Sydney Real Estate.
Can (And Will) Chinese Investors Eat Up All The Australian Properties?
Louis Christopher for the website writes a poignant piece on what he believes to be a clear case of misplaced fear. He feels that our stance towards Chinese investors is nothing but xenophobia. Our assumption that they will eat up all the properties, leaving nothing for us, is quite a laughable proposition.
Sydneysiders and Melburnians Have Different House-hunting Priorities
Michael Yardney produces yet another interesting article for the Property update where he devotes a few lines to build up the rivalry between Sydneysiders and Melburnians. Quite true actually; Sydney will contest with Melbourne over the taste of coffee, weather, sports venues and what not. Let me however come to the central point the article speaks on- priorities of the buyers in two capital cities while hunting for houses.
Are You Ready To Sit For A Finance Quiz?
A high number of Australian citizens are not paying enough attention to their finances and worse still; most of them are ignorant about basic aspects of finance. Michael Yardney for the Property Update throws light on an interesting survey (conducted by which yields that at least 66% of Australians do not track their financial goals.
John McGrath’s 7 Pearls From The Property Investment Oyster
In an article for the Property Update, Michael Yardney talks about 7 tips (read investment strategies) by John McGrath, offered by him on the Property Millionaires Tour. Here are the pearls for you:
Drawing Up A Will For Your Estate? Read This
Death is not a pleasurable thought but if you have worked all your life to build an estate, you should give death some thought. The idea is not to die intestate or without having drawn up a will. I have seen various cases where those beyond the circle of spouse, siblings, children and close relatives have taken advantage in such situations. In the light of this fact, I confess liking an article by Ken Raiss on the Property Update.