Writing a piece for the website Your Investment Property, John Hilton talks about investment-worthy suburbs and why capital growth is not bound to come with a growth in rental value.
All Commentaries
These are all commentaries on articles and videos on the web that are interesting, relevant or simply entertaining to people interested in Sydney Real Estate.
Don’t get your Loans Serviced By a Single Lender
In an article for the website Property Update, Andrew Mirams writes about the amount of security you should be ready to pledge to your lender. It is important to be in control of one’s assets but investors are often swept away by clauses and covenants and offer more than their portfolio can risk.
Australians Ahead of their Mortgage Repayment Schedules
Things have certainly become better for average-earning households looking to borrow money for their homes. The pace at which they have been repaying the amount today places them really well with the repayment schedule. This, in a good number of cases, also provides them with a mortgage buffer sufficient enough to see them through periods of low income or unemployment.
Are Family Homes “Losing the plot”?
Investors shy away from family homes, concentrating much rather on unit apartments or small detached homes. Their line of reasoning is simple. Large family homes curb the chances of attracting potential tenants. Those who are good enough for those homes have enough in the pocket to buy them. In an article for the website realestate.com.au, Paul Thornhill busts the myth and says that the data and stats indicate otherwise.
Sydney Turning into Millionaires’ Den
In an article for the website Smart Property Investment, Jeremy Fisher talks about the phenomenal upsurge in the prices of Sydney’s properties and says that it may frighten buyers even as it offers unprecedented opportunities to the investors.
Can High Auction Clearance Sustain the Property Market On its Own?
In an article for the website Property Observer, Robert Larocca sheds light on the high number of auctions held this year. In comparison to the last few years, Sydney, Tasmania and Adelaide have sold 63%, 56% and 48% more homes this year in auctions.