As an asset class, property has done a lot to bring happiness to Australians. Many investors have meaningful portfolios which are well diversified. Some investors look beyond their State and invest in others (NSW investors investing in Queensland, for instance). Then there are those investors who like mixing gearing and positive cash flow by investing in overseas properties.
Finding the Sweet Spot of An Investment Property
Why is one area a smart choice for property investment while another area makes for a very poor alternative? What should you consider before buying a rental property? Foresightedness is crucial. You will have to anticipate which area is likely to turn into a seller’s market in foreseeable future. The idea, after all, is to pluck the fruits and reposition your property investment into the next big area….and the process goes on.
Questions You Should Ask Before A Property Purchase
When hunting for a property, we often find ourselves in a magical world where agents create delightful images of the property we are eyeing. These sellers’ agents would go to any lengths to magnify the quality of a real estate property. It then becomes very important that you conduct your own research- a forensic level research-and then only get ahead with the property purchase.
Does Your Property Have Subdivision Potential?
Subdividing can get a little complicated but if pursued intelligently, it can turn out to be quite the moneymaker for you, as the ROI is invariably very high. You can subdivide in many ways. There are investors who subdivide their property, renovate the part of the plot at the front and sell the land at the back, earning a neat profit through the venture.
A Primer on Property Development
Many real estate investors find great thrill in turning into property developers. The starting point looks pretty simple. All that needs to be done is to buy a large plot of land and build many dwellings or apartment units on it. Once done, some of them need to be sold off while others held back for sale on a later day. Simple enough by the looks of it!
5 Features Investors Should Aim For To Attract Tenants
When rental returns stagnate, investors have to think outside the box. Fortunately, there is no dearth of ways in which they can make their properties more enticing for prospective tenants. To attract tenants, you will need to improvise, and you will earn your investment back through a mix of depreciation claims, rent hike and decreased vacancy. Let me propose 5 ways to give your home a tenant-worthy look.