The number of residential properties on the market has stabilised; coming down by -5.3% during the month of June. The number of listed residential properties stands at 347.074. In a year-to-year comparison, -5.3% is 2% higher than the -3.3% recorded same time last year.
Tracey's Property News
Is it Possible to Avoid Reselling at a Loss?
In an article for the website Your Investment Property, Miriam Bell sheds light on the losses made on property resales in recent times. It is any property investor’s wish to make as much profit on the sale as he/she can and thus it may be unwise to remain ignorant of the trend, argues Bell.
Sydney Auction Clearance Rates Dip to A Year Low
In an article for the website Property Update, Andrew Wilson focuses on the declining auction clearance rates in Sydney. 72.7% clearance recorded this week is as bad as it has been in more than a year. Last year same time, the figure was 77.5%.
This is third week in trot that the clearance rate has come down. Perhaps a silver lining is the fact that a few regions have withstood the decline and posted robust clearance figures. Put another way, overall clearance for Sydney is falling but not all regions are doing badly. Case in point is 84.8% recorded by the city and east
You can read the original article here.
Buying Investment property Is Not Free of Risk
Investment properties can help you create a crazily strong portfolio for yourself. It can make you a millionaire or at any rate, give you a healthy positive cash flow. If you are really competent, it can give you rather ambitious ‘Buffet-esque’ dreams, too. But the downside needs just as much introspection. It is always important to conduct a risk-benefit analysis before getting into property investment.
What to Know When You Attend an Auction

An auction works quite contrarily to a private treaty. Here, you are face to face with a galaxy of competitors. Their goals may vary; someone may be looking for a home to reside and another for an investment and still another for a ‘quick flip’ but they are all out there to buy.
It is crucial to know as much about the auction process as you possibly can. Let’s take a look.
Professionals a Property Developer Must Have
You have property development in mind and you think you can go the whole distance single-handedly. Think again! It is clearly a team work and unless you have professionals to partner you at each stage, you are likely to falter sooner or later. Even if you succeed, the results will be far from positive. And who are these professionals I am talking about? Let us take a look.