In an article for the website The Adviser, Nick Bendel reports that the premier real estate body in the NSW has selected its own candidate to run for the parliament in an effort to bring about desirable changes it feels is long due. If the area “industry training” is not given enough emphasis by the government, the Who’s Who of real estate will not think twice in forming its own party.
All Commentaries
These are all commentaries on articles and videos on the web that are interesting, relevant or simply entertaining to people interested in Sydney Real Estate.
Number of First Home Buyers Nosedive
In an article for the website The Adviser, Nick Bendel talks about the precipitous decline in the number of First Home Buyers. In fact, AFG Brokers, a reputed firm in NSW reports that only 1.9% out of the total number of mortgage applicants in NSW in the month of November were First Home Buyers.
How Will Australians Live In The Future?
Change in Lending Rules Not Needed For Now
In an article for the website The Adviser, Nick Bendel talks about mortgage broker heads going ballistic over the proposed introduction of the new lending rules. The Reserve bank of Australia feels that the property boom in Sydney and Melbourne warrants a change in lending rules.
Decoding Housing Trends Of Future
Pete Wargent, in his inimitable style, produces another thought-provoking piece for the website Property Update. In this article he talks about 4 housing trends which may establish themselves till 2020; few of them easy to soak in while a couple more peculiar than others.
Real Value Growth is Far Different From Nominal One
In an article for the website Property Update, Cameron Kusher writes that in purely ‘nominal’ terms, home values have risen by 9.3% leading up to September 2014. In ‘real’, inflation-adjusted terms, this growth has been 6.8%. Inflation is quite an integral part of the discussion. Let us find out a little about this significant aspect.