Kate Cull writes an interesting piece for the website Property Update wherein she writes that declaring negative gearing as the “tax rort” of the rich may be not be doing justice to it. Cull says that a higher percentage of train and tram drivers use gearing compared to solicitors and real estate agents.
All Commentaries
These are all commentaries on articles and videos on the web that are interesting, relevant or simply entertaining to people interested in Sydney Real Estate.
Sydney Registers Sub Par Auction Clearance Twice
Andrew Wilson writes a piece for the website Property Update wherein he talks about Sydney’s clearance rates that have been below 80% for two consecutive weeks. This is a first for this year. Exactly at this time last year, Sydney was in the midst of frenzied buyer activity which had resulted in extremely high auction clearances.
Sydney Perceived As Global City
Adam Zuchetti and Nick Bendel put up an article for the website The Adviser where they dismiss any talk of Australia (and specifically Sydney) being in a property bubble. Australia, after all, is a very big geographical entity and the performance of Sydney alone cannot put the entire country in the ‘bubble’. It will be wise if we remember that many capital cities- Perth, Darwin and Canberra being just a few examples- are still languishing far behind.
Handy Tips for FHBs
Peter Boehm writes a two-part article for the website Property Update wherein he talks about 10 tips to help the First Home Buyer fraternity. Though divided into parts, each part can definitely stand on its own. Let us discuss the first 5 tips that have come our way, thanks to Boehm.
Due Diligence Needed For High Cash Flow Properties
Larry Arth writes an article for the website How to Buy Real Estate wherein he says that the seller’s word is not the one to be trusted when it comes to the subject of high cash flow. What the sellers smartly avoid telling you are the list of expenses which reduce the cash flow generated on a given property.
Reforms to Negative Gearing Proposed
With the present government coming under the hammer due to rising property prices, Labour is using the price card as a plank to seek the people’s mandate in the next elections. For this purpose, they have made a proposal which talks about making reforms to negative gearing. David Naylor reports in an article on the website Property Update.