It is not hard to be besotted with the idea of buying in a fancy suburb. Television shows promote them and the word-of-mouth, intriguingly, is usually in their favour. However, it is significant to remember that prices in such suburbs have long since shot northwards and you won’t be buying any cheaper than at peak levels.
Tracey's Property News
What Homeowners and Renovators Must Research On
It will be sunny…really sunny before long and there is something about the Sun which inspires ideas. Homeowners will have their minds fixed on certain renovations and extensions and they will carry it out, too, unlike the winter months when their ideas remained just that. It is then significant to be cautioned that any bold step or drastic property statement must come with its dose of research and review. This is true for investors, owner-occupiers as well as first home or next home buyers.
Here is Looking Out for the Chinese Investors!
An article on the website Your Investment Property starts with how a shift in Chinese policies may see Chinese investors rushing to the Australian shores and why this is the cause of both joy and apprehension.
While foreign investment, going by the rules, is limited to new dwellings, some investors are breaching the regulations and investing in established dwellings. These investors need to be prosecuted. In the event of a breach, the penalties imposed on foreign investors should be equivalent to the price of property they purchase and not some token amount. Stringent evaluation by the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) will be more than welcome, especially when it comes to the established dwellings.
You can read the original article here.
What is Keeping Property Prices High?

In an article for the website Property Update, Michael Yardney talks about 7 things that have kept property prices high in Australia.
186,000 New Dwellings Required Each Year
Adam Smith talks about a report released by the Housing Industry Australia in his article for the website Your Investment Property. The report sheds light on the building requirements in our country and suggests that the most difficult challenge faced by the property market would be to create enough dwellings to accommodate our ageing population.
Should Negative Gearing Stay?
In an article for the website The Adviser, James Mitchell talks about the bipolar view on negative gearing. There is a school of experts who believe that negative gearing can overheat the market perilously. On the other end of the spectrum, there are others who believe that the pros of negative gearing easily outweigh the cons.