Chinese Tourists Look Beyond Regional Hotspots in Australia
A weakening Australian dollar has made it easier for foreigners to avail our tourist spots. Michael Yardney for the Property Update reports that the signals from global tourism had become frail in the light of a buoyant Aussie dollar.
However, the tourists are coming back in big numbers, now that the Aussie dollar is coming down in worth.
Chinese tourists are already showing very keen interest in visiting Australia and the tourist surge from its shores has pushed past the traditional toppers- Britain and Japan.
The Chinese middle class is finding more and more disposable income with them and they along with the Indian middle class are looking for more frequent holidays down under.
While this is definitely good news, we can witness a shifting trend here too. Unlike yesteryears, the holiday seekers, primarily the Chinese tourists, are not looking for regional locations and its surf and sail. Instead, they are eyeing the capital cities and an urban holiday scene.
Thus, it would serve well to look for holiday properties in the top capital cities and make money through them. For all you know, you may get the Asian tourists interested in investing in your property.
You can read the original article here.