I can’t say I am unhappy with the prevailing interest rates. I will have to be out of my mind to crib. However, I think I know the market enough not to be overjoyed either. For long, I have been thinking about a cash rate reversal (for me, the hike might come sooner than expected). Michael Yardney, in an ever so engaging article on the Property Update, talks about a possible hike as early as 2014.
All Commentaries
These are all commentaries on articles and videos on the web that are interesting, relevant or simply entertaining to people interested in Sydney Real Estate.
4 Rules Which High Achievers Follow To A Tee
I was going through an article on careerdare.com. Jessica Young was pointing out to me 4 rules which high achievers follow without fail. Let me quickly capture them for you.
Average Houses Fetching A Million In Excess Of Reserve
From exercising overcaution to jumping lock, stock and barrel into the property market, Australian investors have really made the journey from one pole to another in quick time. It seems that the pessimism surrounding the GFC has all but melted. Buyers are getting desperate to purchase properties- fearing that they would miss the ownership/investment bus otherwise. How else can you explain an average, 3 bedroom house in Eastwood selling for over $2.3 million? An article on news.com.au talks about the insane figure and the associated buying frenzy (call it despair if you will).
Essential Traits Of A Great Neighbourhood
Recently I went through an article on MSN Real Estate. I remember Melinda Fulmer writing it and it talked about what makes a great neighbourhood. It was kind of hard for me to disagree with anything that Fulmer wrote. Many factors play a role in making a great neighbourhood- cafe culture, proximity of amenities, plenty of areas thriving with community interaction and so on. Go through the piece in your leisure time, I bet it won’t disappoint you.
Urgent Need To Do Away With Stamp Duty
The government-in-coming will do well to abolish stamp duty, says the Real Estate Institute of Australia (REIA). Stamp duty, levied as a traditional property tax, is not only inefficient but also decreases productivity of the nation.
Is There A Way Past Stamp Duty? Not Likely.
Unless you have benefitted from a matrimonial home via the Family Law Act or gained through a gift in Will, you will be at the receiving end of the Stamp Duty storm. Property taxes are pretty high for Australia when compared to other developed countries, suggests Anthony Keane for the website news.com.au